I just started the Skillshare course 'Real Productivity: How to Build Habits That Last' by Thomas Frank. In his course he was introducing this thing called 'The Impossible List' as a tool to keep your focus on progress instead of perfectionism. It is basically a bucket list that is always evolving and trying to keep your focus only on a few goals at a time. It is supposed to help you to take action.
So here is my very own version of the Impossible List!
Current Focuses:
Right now, I am trying to make the best out of the free time that I have, which means that I am working out constantly and make progress in my Norwegian Language skills.
I also want to get rid of tasks that I procrastinated on in the past, such as selling clothes/items I don't need anymore online and declutter my room, phone and computer.
Life Goals:
- own a house with garden
- having kids
- own a Volvo
- living in a foreign country for at least 6 months
- see the Northern Lights/Polar Lights
- see the Midnight Sun
- finding my Significant Other
- get a Tattoo
Fitness/Health Goals:
be able to run 4 kmbe able to run 5 km without walking(05.05.2020)be able to run 10km without walking(01.08.2020)run 5km in under 30mins(15.10.2020)- be able to run 12km
- do a forearm stand
- be able to do one push-up
- get into the splits
- hold the plank for 1.5 min
- start going to the gym
- get rid of my Neurodermatitis
- ski a red track in moderate pace
try out Stand-Up Paddeling- go cross country skiing (both tecniques)
- attend a yoga lesson
Habit Goals:
- eat clean for 6 weeks straight
- do a morning workout 30 days in a row
- do 10k steps every day for three months
read 30 books in one year- go one week without any Social-Media
- going without a car for a month
Professional Goals:
- Save up 20k
- find a fun/fulfilling profession
- work internationally
- working in a foreign country for < 6 months
Travel Goals:
- visit Norway
- travel alone for one week
- visit Iceland
- visit USA (again) --> Cali
- visit Denmark/Sweden
- visit The Hobbiton
- visit New Zealand
- visit the HP Studios
- visit Vienna
- visit Berlin
- visit Canada
- visit the Niagara Falls
- go hiking at a Fjord in Norway
- visit the North Cape
- do a roadtrip with a camper
- do a road trip and make a film about it
- visit Hawaii
Skill Goals:
- learn playing the guitar (again)
- learn snowboarding
- learn surfing
- become fluent in Norwegian
- finishing the duolingo lessons
finishing the book NILS- learn programming (one language)
Fun Goals:
- Skydiving
- Alpaka tour
- climb a mountain (2k)
- go wildcamping
- Canu Ride on a Fjord
- try out Woofing
Events to Attend:
- Tomorrowland
- Festival
- Running Event
- Half Marathon
- Mammutmarsch
- BTS concert
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